KidStrong|”Water Ambassadors” Children’s Water Health Promotional Activity


Water Health, Greener Planet, EVERYONE CARES

Water is the source of life and correlates to human health. At present, the drinking water situation of primary and secondary school students in China is not optimistic. Nearly 70% of students need to drink more water. This health issue of children’s water drinking is an issue that must garner more attention in our society. Led by the Shanghai Roots & Shoots KidStrong program and Nestlé Pure Life, 32 “Water Health Ambassadors” (referred to as “Water Ambassadors”) from Pujiang Wenxin School in Minhang District entered various classes on campus on April 12. A unique and engaging water health knowledge activity was carried out for the participants. Based on the concept of “students influencing students,” this event allowed 32 “water ambassadors” to use the interactive method of fun games to communicate the importance of water health to 1,500 migrant students, enhancing their understanding of regularly drinking water.

For teenage students, completing a health education presentation can be challenging. In addition to memorizing their presentations, water ambassadors must learn to think about various problems that may arise during the interactive presentation process and how to deal with them. This presentation greatly exercises students’ flexibility and on-the-spot adaptability. On the event day, the “water ambassadors” used grounded actions to convey relevant knowledge to the students, such as “our health is inseparable from water, and the earth’s water resources are precious.” Through the three knowledge sections of “link game, fresh and salt water, and water conservation,” we promote the concept of “drinking water healthily and protecting the earth” together!

The “Water Ambassadors” who momentarily became primary school teachers were ecstatic. Not only did they complete the task, but they also gained bravery and confidence!

Parents of “Water Ambassadors” were also very supportive of their children’s participation: “I saw my child preparing for class, going home to complete her homework, and practicing silently. She came back with a certificate. I could see the joy and the confidence through her smile and face. Her pride was infectious.”

Teacher Zhao, Director of Education at Pujiang Wenxin School, Minhang District, said, “This activity allows students to influence students by cultivating ‘water ambassadors’ and allowing them to lead activities, creating opportunities for students to become leaders in the conversation of water conservation. This process was essential in cultivating a safe and supportive environment and nurturing migrant children to develop leadership skills.

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Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.