Green Class for Maidi Primary School


School name:East China University of Political Science and Law

R&S group name:Ecupl Roots & Shoots

Grade of students:Grade 3/4/5 in primary school

Number of students:12

Writer of this report :Xing Lyu

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  1. Describe what your group did for this activity;

We prepared for the tiny lesson, in which we made up the courseware and searched for some interesting videos about our lesson topic. Then we tested the ingredients of the vein bookmarks together and buy some gifts for children.

  1. Your group’s goals for this activity

Our goal is to describe the basic theories of the environmental protection and green concept .Help children to acknowledge the photosynthesis and low-carbon commuting.Let them appreciate the beauty of the natural world and lives.

  1. Time frame: the date or beginning and ending period of the activity;

May 28th ,2017,from 8 12 a.m.

  1. Money spent for this activity;

RMB 200

  1. Method used to fund this activity;

We held a tiny lesson about green concept and environmental protection , in which we prepared some videos about environmental  problems, pollutions and natural lives. Besides,we taught students to make vein bookmarks with leaves and land plaster by their own hands.

  1. Assistance provided by other people or organizations;

Shanghai Roots and Boots provides us with the ingredients to make vein bookmarks and the PPT courseware of the tiny lesson; Ecupl Youth League Committee helps organize the activity and supply the classroom for the activity.

  1. Materials you used to complete the activity;

PPT courseware and ingredients to make vein bookmarks.

  1. Number of group members who worked on this activity;


  1. Approximate number of students, or others impacted by your activity;


  1. Approximate number of hours spent by group members on the activity;

4 hours.

  1. A comment or short reflection on the project. How did the activity go;

The activity shaped up with the multi-assistance and adequate preparation .

  1. Any suggestions to improve the activity;

We found it faulty in the aspects of details in the tiny lesson,spot order and distribution of time.We can do more to improve these links to present a more excellent activity.

  1. Goals for the next activity.

We wil enrich the contents in the tiny lesson about environmental protection and green concept and improve the details of the class by arousing more interaction of the children and animate the class atmosphere . And in the practical course , add the link to color the vein bookmarks and hold a contest on whose bookmark is the most exquisite and praise the child for his works with little gifts.

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