Ding Han Chinese Medicine Clinic brings a health lecture to GIST patients


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On September 10, Dr. Xie Luoqin from Taiwan gave a health lecture to GIST patients at Ding Han Chinese Medicine Clinic. She shared a lot health tips on sleeping, bowel health, exercises, massage and diet. Dr. Xie encouraged the patients to start with small changes and try their best to lead a healthy life style.

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Dr. Xie explained the Chinese medicine’s ’12-hour-regimen’ to the patients. Based on this theory, from 11 pm to 3 am, Qi Xue (as ‘life force’ or ‘energy glow’ in traditional Chinese medicine) goes through liver and gallbladder. So deep sleep during these hours could help detoxifying and improve immunity. If a person doesn’t get much sleep during these hours, he will possibly be vulnerable to hormone disorders and allergy. And the sleeping position is quite important too. Dr. Xie mentioned that the best position is stretching the arms over head and lying with the face up like baby. Besides, the pillow shouldn’t be higher than the shoulder, and it will help to relax the back if you put a 10-cm-high pillow under the shins. Shoulder and neck massage before sleep, especially on some sites like ‘FengChi Point’ can make you relax. Putting a hot pack on the shoulder or eyes will have similar benefits.

In the morning, Qi Xue goes through bowels during five to seven am. Dr. Xie explained that this period time of the day is best for defecating. Constipation is a common problem nowadays. The causes are various. Except diet and exercises, one can also benefit from some simple habits. For example, the squatting position is better than sitting, as it helps the rectus muscle to relax. Dr. Xie suggested that the patients can put their feet on a bench, so that it would be easier for bowel movements.

‘What to eat and how’ is always a hot topic. Dr. Xie gave the patients some tips on this topic. The best time for breakfast is seven to nine am, as Qi Xue goes through stomach. She also reminded the patients to take their time when eating. Rice as main course in the three meals daily can be good to stomach health. A soup before meal can warm the stomach. Fruit should be taken between two meals, and one should avoid eating within three hours before sleep. Among all the tips, the one about having rice each meal attracts the patients’ attention. They asked a lot questions regarding this. Dr. Xie explained that rice is better than wheat when it comes to stomach health. The gastric juice can be diluted when having rice with soup or water. In long term, this habit will cause heartburn. If someone has an upset stomach, he should try having rice as main course.

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It’s known to all that exercises are really important for health. Dr. Xie pointed out that sweating can help detoxification. Brisk walking is highly recommended. She suggested that the patients can take big steps and wave their arms while walking, so that ‘Shu Xi’ point is also activated. Dr. Xie introduced some movements to open chest, which are useful to practice at home. Besides, some points like ‘Zu Sanli’,’Guan Yuan’ and ‘Zhong Wan’ are related to stomach and bowel health. Massaging on these points can help as well.

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The patients had some fruit, health tea and snacks while listening to the lecture. Afterwards, they consulted Dr. Xie about their concerns on health issues. Dr. Xie patiently answered all the questions. One of the patients received a gift including a package of healthy herbs from Ding Han. We are very grateful to Dr. Xie and the staff from Ding Han for their effort and dedication. They worked very hard to offer GIST patients this inspiring lecture.


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