Water And Health Class


Water is the source of life and is vital for human health. Today, the daily fluid (water)intake of children in China rarely meets the requirements. Studies have shown that nearly 70% of students don’t drink the recommended amount of water per day, which can lead to complications with health and development in the long run. It must be acknowledged and addressed by our society.

To help students realize the importance of water, the scarcity of drinking water, and learn the daily water intake, corporate volunteers from Stryker underwent the train the trainers workshop:Water and Health, facilitated by Shanghai Roots & Shoots staff. They would run the themed class to the fourth grade students at Pujiang Wenhui School.

Applying their knowledge from the workshop, volunteers worked together to teach the students valuable and interactive lessons, such as “our health is inseparable from water” and “the Earth’s water resources are precious.”

The volunteers also helped engage the students with creative games: the Incredible Journey of A drop of Water”. Students were divided into six groups, each representing a different form of water. Each group then rolled dice to collect specific beads, which they then strung together to make a “water cycle” bracelet.

With the help of Stryker volunteers, the students were able to learn while playing, which helped both their understanding of the close link between water and health as well as cultivate a passion for caring and cherishing water, one of Earth’s precious resources.

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Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.