U020Shanghai University of Engineering Science


Shanghai University of Engineering Science is a college that mainly focuses on engineering technology. It also has some other majors such as financial management and art design. It encompasses mainly the undergraduate studies, graduate studies, higher vocational education and continued education.

The Roots and Shoots group of Shanghai University of Engineering Science was founded in 2005, and has developed to 30 members now. Our group has been working on environmental protection and care for the disadvantaged groups. We call for green environment, care for all living species and sustainable development, and we are determined to create a beautiful future for the environment.

Since establishment, the members have opened a series of environmental campaigns through sustained efforts and creativity. They have also encouraged people to pay attention to the global environment and to actively take part in environmental protection. Be young and lead the cause! Please join us and add a touching color of green to the planet!


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Message from Dr Goodall

Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.