Cummins OG Training 2013


On May 11th 2013, the Shanghai Roots & Shoots Organic Garden Program team took participants from Cummins and Jincai School to BioFarm in Pudong for training on organic farming.

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BioFarm had just been renovated and took on a new look. For instance, it incorporated the traditional Chinese Jieqi, or the 12 solar periods, with the 12 western constellations to plan what to grow and when throughout the year. The guide Yuanyuan Song described the eco-cycle on the farm- she elaborated on composting and other organic farming methods. Adorable animals, fun workshops and delicious food guaranteed a good time.

Initiated in 2006, Organic Garden Program encourages students to build organic gardens in schools. Currently, the project has involved 60 local schools. It provides seeds and tools to schools, and offers regular training workshops, engaging more and more people in the practice of organic farming.

Organic Garden Program extends sincere gratitude to its corporate partner Cummins for the support!

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(Translated by WFLMS Crunchy Zoo Language Club)

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