The Opening Ceremony of the Givaudan’s Organic Garden in PFLS


The Opening Ceremony of the Qihuadun Seasoning Company Supported Organic Garden in Pudong Foreign Language School

On September 25, 2011, led by Shanghai R&S staff, twenty students and teachers from Pudong Foreign Language School and four of the Shanghai Qihuadun staff arrived at the Baiouhuan Farm in Chuansha. Today was the organic training and opening ceremony of the Qihuadun Seasoning Company supported organic farm in Pudong Foreign Language School.

At 10:30, we all arrived at the farm. After representatives from every organization gave speeches, the training started. First, we were given a tour around the farm by Dong, one of the farm staff. As a group, we observed the differences between the organic farm compared to other farms we had seen.

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After the tour, it was time for lunch. We all gathered around the table and enjoyed a pure, organic meal. This was a completely new experience for many of the students. As everyone was indulging, the taste of the nature was recalled.

After lunch, we went into the fields to practice planting. Dong showed us different procedures and the way to plant vegetables. For those of us who were going to work in fields for the next semester, this was a very practical lesson. Everyone benefited. 

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Finally, we picked vegetables. Two giant eggplants and one big aloe leaf really left us pleased. With the sound of laughter, the day of training was over. 

We believed that with our great effort, our school farm would inevitably be successful!

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(Translated by WFLMS Crunchy Zoo Language Club)

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