Green Hiking to Mount Sheshan


Event:Green Hiking to Mount Sheshan

Group Name:Shanghai University Of Engineering Science R&S Group

Event Date:2015-10-23

Report Submitter: Mei Yidong

Participant Number: 12

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the R&S club from Shanghai University Of Engineering Science hosted the green Sheshan line activity on October 23,2015. The twelve of us took our environmental protection bags and picked up the garbage discarded by tourists,such as bottles and debris-brick. After we went downhill, we disposed all the garbage. Since some of our teammates were freshman,we play some word guessing games on the top of the mountain in order to strengthen team cohesion.In this activity,we relaxd ourselves and enjoyed the happiness brought by our nvironmental protection actions.I hope more people could participate in our environmental-friendly events,and start from little things around in daily life.

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