Bees & Flowers Organic Farm Tour


On June 29, 2024, guided by Shanghai Roots & Shoots, staff volunteers and their families from CMA CGM participated in the  “Bees & Flowers” Organic Farm Tour at BioFarm, an organic farm located in Chuansha, Pudong, Shanghai.

After a short rest upon arrival, volunteers eagerly embarked on the long-awaited “Bee & Flower” scavenger hunt. Here, they carefully observed everything from bee-friendly plants to tiny insects, identified plants by their scents, and tasted the sweetness and bitterness of organic crops.

Following a delicious organic lunch, the seventy volunteers were divided into two groups to participate two interactive workshops in rotation. One is the “Bees & Flowers” Biodiversity Workshop. They made tomato bread by hand and experienced the farmer’s harvesting process. During the workshop, Shanghai Roots & Shoots project manager Rebecca explained the relationship between bees and flowers and the importance of protecting bees. This knowledge session deepened everyone’s understanding of bees.

The other one is tomato bread baker. Participants enthusiastically made tomato bread under the guidance of the farm staff. They shaped the red dough into various forms, added red bean paste and cream fillings, and decorated with green dough. The bread was then handed over to be baked, filling the room with the aroma of freshly baked bread.

Last but not least, everyone enjoyed harvesting as a civic farmer. Despite the heat in the greenhouse, their enthusiasm for picking vegetables was undeterred. They filled bags with cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and green peppers.

This memorable ecological tour ended with the cheerful group photo . This year, CMA CGM will continue its collaboration with Shanghai Roots & Shoots by adopting a school organic farm, promoting biodiversity education together.

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Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.