Staff of Dazhongli Participated in a Field Trip to Organic Garden


On January 28th, 2013, Organic Garden team lead 27 people from Dazhongli Property Management Corporation, Ltd. to Chongming, to carry out a one-day organic field trip.

To get a holistic experience of the organic lifestyle, various objectives are included in the field trip: bird watching, vanilla tea savouring, enjoying ranch fairy tales, eating organic food, gleaning vegetable, etc.

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The best time for bird watching is from November to April every year. With the aid of high-power telescope and binoculars, it is very simple to find migrating birds, such as egrets and herons. Vanilla tea is welcome among many females. It is said that essence of various perfume is from vanilla tea. The owner of the ranch joked that after drinking the vanilla tea, people sweat with fragrance. The organic food doesn’t require a lot of spices to be tasteful, that many of the staff sincerely complimented the food. After the gleaming the fresh vegetation, some even wanted to buy some and carry home, to enhance the life of their families.

Organic Garden is endorsed by Dazhongli, which helped build an Organic Garden for Affiliated Elementary School of Shanghai No. 1 Normal University. The field trip toward Organic Garden aims to make the staff go out of the office and come around the nature, to experience the happiness of relaxation.

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(Translated by WFLMS Crunchy Zoo Language Club)

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