Suzhou University of Science and Technology


Suzhou University of Science and Technology

——Bishui Lantian Environmental Protection Association

Bishui Lantian Environmental Protection Association was founded in 2001 by a group of students in Suzhou University of Science and Technology who are keen on the environmental protection issues. The association aims at arousing environmental awareness of the general public. On the one hand the volunteers of Bishui Lantian who with knowledge of environment show the current situation of environment to the public by carrying out a series of ecological surveys and environmental analysis. On the other hand, they go to many schools and communities to promote environmental concept via various novel means which are spoken highly of by the government of Suzhou. The association is following the pace of social development closely with the wish to show vitality of the youth and to make our earth a better place.


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Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.