Guangzhou CML Patients Meeting
On November 23 2014, a CML patient meeting was held in Zheng Jia Hotel, Guangzhou. Thanks to the support from local patients, the event was very successful.
Firstly, we introduced Shanghai Roots & Shoots and CML Home of Hope. We also shared CML news, including updates of treatment recommendations, latest clinical trials etc. In the afternoon, two patients from Shanghai gave fantastic performances of Beijing opera and Yue Opera. Then, Guangzhou patients made self-introduction one by one. They talked about their experiences of fighting CML. Many of them had been through a rather dark time at diagnosis. They used to worry that they won’t be able to see the children graduating. But now, they are confident about future, looking forward to being with the family at every important moment. Some patients at the event are newly diagnosed. By listening to these encouraging speeches, they gained strength and courage.