Summary of the March Students’ Meeting,2015


On March 12th, 2015 at 6:30 PM, Shanghai Roots & Shoots held its March meeting at the Sino-British College of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. About 86 teachers and students from 55 different schools attended this meeting. The main contents of this meeting included:

[Program News]

Becky Ren, in charge of the Kidstrong Program, introduced the plan and implementation information for this year, recruited volunteers on-site, and encouraged the student leaders to participate in volunteering for the KidStrong Program. After that, Tianli Qiao, responsible for the MTP program reported the results and detailed data from the “Thousand Trees Challenge” in 2014, and introduced the 2015 plan for planting trees in Mongolia. Finally, Tianli presented the latest MTP merchandises.

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[Students’ Sharing]

Shutong Mao, R&S group leader of Shanghai Fuxing Senior High School presented their latest micro-film: The Life of Boy Choy.

The story starts with a bok choy seed, a type of Chinese cabbage, planted in the organic garden on campus, it describes the growth and harvest of the plant. The team members are credited for screen-writing, producing, acting, and filming. Not only does the micro-film have ingenious plot designs, but also contains a remarkable philosophy. Let’s watch the film now!

Sijia Liu, R&S group leader of Shanghai Foreign Languages School, presented their White Cup Contest idea of recycling disposable white coffee cups. The team members brought used paper cups back to life with ingenious designs and bold drawings, all stemming from the creativity of the team and a permanent marker. The Roots & Shoots Club of SFLS used the presentation to encourage other students to participate in this innovative and environmental-friendly activity. The seemingly simple activity requires much preparation: advertising on Wechat and on campuses were all made possible solely through the team’s efforts. Sijia Liu hopes that more teams could join them, and thus more people will have their own unique White Cups. Many high school groups and university clubs all actively participated at the meeting and talked with Sijia Liu, bringing the meeting to a perfect end.

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If you are a student; if you are young, active, and creative; if you are interested in our activities, don’t hesitate to contact us, you’re welcome to our big family! Please send us an e-mail to get the application form at:

If you have any suggestions on our students’ meeting, please send us an e-mail too.

Finally, thanks to the R&S club members at Sino-British College of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology for providing the clean space and sufficient equipment, and for helping guide the attendants. Thank you!

The next meeting will be held in mid-June, group leaders please check your e-mail regularly and attend the next meeting on time.

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Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.