
On June 2, 2024, a well-designed organic garden for the autistic children was established at the Clover Children Healthy Garden in Xuhui District, Shanghai.

CMA CGM has adopted the campus organic garden of Clover Children Healthy Garden through Shanghai Roots & Shoots. On June 2, more than a dozen children and volunteers from CMA CGM jointly set up a square bee garden and 12 herb planters, successfully building up the organic garden.

First, CMA CGM volunteers manually assembled 12 herb planters under the guidance of Roots & Shoots staff. Later, the children were led by Clover and CMA CGM volunteers to fill, fertilize, transplant and water the garden. Wild chrysanthemum, rosemary, thyme… After labeling the plant with handwirrten tags, everyone shared their garden works, introducing the bee-friendly herbs to the rest.

Together, the children learned and practiced the knowledge and skills of organic gardening, and enjoyed the fruit of labor through team work. 

Special thanks to CMA CGM and Clover Children Healthy Garden!

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