“Rebuilding the Green Fields” charity sale


Event: “Rebuilding the Green Fields” charity sale

Group Name:  Roots & Shoots, High school Affiliated to Fudan University

Event Date:  2014-8-14~16

Report Submitter: Wang Yuan Yuan

Participant Number: 11

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“Rebuilding the Green Fields” charity sale is a charity project carried out mainly by the new group members of this year, aided by the senior group members. During the preparation, we collected second-hand goods from friends – mainly toys, everyday items, and accessories – and checked their usability. We also made the poster and contacted site provider. During the charity sale, all field work was done by student volunteers as well. Many people came to the sale, especially children, so we especially promoted the toys. This was the first charity project for the new group members, which was a new and meaningful experience.
The profit of the charity sale was 1910.6 yuan. The group members donated the extra 89.4 yuan. Altogether 2000 yuan was donated to Shanghai R&S MTP.


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