Summary of the September Students’ Meeting, 2013


The Roots & Shoots September student monthly meeting took place on Friday, September 6th. A total of 103 students from 57 schools attended the meeting.


The meeting is main content is as follows:

1. Inroduction of the holidays in September

2. Intern Recruitment of CML Program

3. Update Kidstrong Program

4. Update MTP Program

5. Update recycling Program and Recruitment of Eco-school Program

6. Green seedlings Fund

7. Work plan of Think Tank

8. Yes Café

9. Ecological Travel to Datong

10. Recruitment of Yes&OG Program

11. Summer Camp of AAF

12. Inroduction of Zhipin Company

13. Semi annual report of Gaoqiao High School

13. Poverty Alleviation Program


At the meeting, the office released the latest news, the project managers updated the project informations, and we collect feedbacks from students. If you’re interested in our projects, please contact us. Any ideas or suggestions are more than welcomed!

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Message from Dr Goodall

Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.