The Transformation And Charity Sales Of Ice-lolly Sticks


Event:The Transformation And Charity Sales Of Ice-lolly Sticks

Group Name:The Environmental Protection DIY Club of Shanghai FuXing Senior High School Event

Event Date:2015.12

Report Submitter:Zhang  Yibo

Participant Number: 15

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Event Details:

Everyone has a special memory for popsicles in midsummer. We realized that the abandoned sticks of popsicles have caused an environmental problem. In order to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection and to support the idea of recycling, we drew creative paintings on the sticks and held charity sales for the advertisement of environmental protection concept.


In November, 2015, we prepared the acrylic pigments, paint brushes and tens of popsicle sticks which were collected in the summer vacation. Our team members followed our ideas to show semi-finished artworks and share experiences. We got full support from our teacher who has given us some useful suggestions . We got to know how to paint. After many class activities, we used special materials such as erasers, highlighters and writing brushes to make bookmarks.


On November 29, 2015, after one month’s creation, we ended our activity with charity sales. The products, the prices of artwork and the ways of sales were all decided by the junior members. The senior members provided the participants with the materials, which has improved the interaction, the attraction and the influence of activity.  The popsicle-stick bookmarks were good-looking, useful and easy to make so that many participants liked them. Most of the participants also enjoyed making bookmarks and


they learnt what they could do for the environmental protection in daily life. Their participation has brought motivation for charity sales.


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