Measure different PM2.5 in different places at school


Event:Measure different PM2.5 in different places at school

Group Name:  Roots&Shoots ,Yangpu senior high school

Event Date:  2014.12.25

Report Submitter: Yang yi wei

Participant Number: 11

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On Thursday, we had a discussion on how to measure different fine particulate matter (PM2.5) by exchanging activities and ideas. During the discussion, some students mentioned that we could measure PM2.5 using a professional measuring instrument at school. But, other students stated we should measure at different locations within the school like the playground, cafeteria, and classroom buildings to increase effectiveness. Many also pointed out that the statistics at school are not necessary for comparison to the city due to active school efforts in conservation and wasting less gas. Prompting a fierce discussion on the idea, it was finally resolved. Our school set-up a minor experiment and spread PM2.5 value at different times in the school and different places in the city, then drew a conclusion. After we made these results, we readily notified people who were outdoors frequently. We readily hope to notify other students and the community on our findings and to participate in other activities relating to this matter. We wanted to get our message across hastily, starting with the school blackboard on the 1st floor.


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