Interesting KidStrong Nutrition Lessons


After March’s KidStrong migrant school teachers’ training,all the teachers who received the training started teaching KidStrong nutrition lessons to their students. The lessons are based on KidStrong nutrition curriculum and the teachers adjust contents according to their students’ ages. On April 10 and April 22, 2013, KidStrong staff went to Maqiao migrant school Yutang campus and Xishan migrant kidergarten to lisiten to the nutrition lessons. The above photos are lessons given by Teacher Meng and Teacher Chen to 5-year old children at Xishan kindergarten. The children were actively participated in vegetable and fruit games and learnt much knowledge about healthy food and junck food. Teacher Yao taught Food Pyrimid to Grade 1 students at Maqiao migrant school Yutang campus. Students were also asked to design healthy meal menu according to food pyrimid. Although they were only Grade 1 students, the menu they designed were reasonable. The bottom photos are one of Teacher Yao’s students and her menu.

KidStrong staff will go to other migrant schools to listen to nutrition lessons. These schools are Limin migrant school, Jinde migrant school, Changlin migrant school, and Maqiao migrant school Wuhui campus.

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