The Lecture About Air Pollution


Event: The Lecture About Air Pollution

Group Name:  Roots & Shoots,High School Affiliated to Fudan University

Event Date:  2015-4-10

Report Submitter: Candy Wang

Participant Number: 10

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Chai Jing’s documentary “Under The Dome” about smog has triggered heated discussions not only in society, but also in our school. Later, In club gatherings we started a discussion based around the movie, but we couldn’t answer all the questions ourselves. In order for students have a full understanding of smog, we invited Ms. Cai Jing, Postdoctoral from Fudan University School of Public Health, to lecture for us. Ms. Cai introduced to us the scientific definition of smog, the current condition of smog in our city, and how to protect ourselves during a foggy day, etc. She also shared experiences  that she has carried out concerning smog. In the end, she gave a brief introduction about environmental engineering as a subject, providing advice for our college planning. Although it was only a small lecture, everyone joined in the discussion and started to think rationally about the smog.
Since the lecture conflicted with a school activity, some of the members didn’t manage to come. In the future, we plan to make better use of the resources of the universities nearby, but more attention should be paid to the coordination of time.


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