A happy Earth Day with kids


April 19th, 2013,members of the Roots & Shoots Think Tank arrived at World Children’s Foundation Kindergarten (Changning Campus) and gave a lesson on the Earth Day.

Earth Day 2013 -1

First, Jiawei Xu introduced Shanghai Roots & Shoots. Then the kids played a game to learn to identify different kinds of vegetables from looking at pictures.

Then a Roots & Shoots volunteer introduced the Earth Day to the children, triggering in them passion for the environment. The kids actively participated in the discussion about what measures could be taken to protect the Earth. Many of them suggested that we use fewer plastic bags and do more recycling. The children then started painting on their own eco bags.

Earth Day 2013-2

Covered in paint, kids learned about the importance of environmental protection. They were encouraged to use hand-painted reusable bags instead of using plastic ones.

Earth Day 2013-3

(Translated by WFLMS Crunchy Zoo Language Club)

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