KidStrong丨Air Liquid’s Caring Activity


Air Liquid China held a caring activity in one of the KidStrong partner schools, Maqiao Migrant School in Minhang District on December 9, 2015. Twenty employees from Air Liquid  participated in this activity as KidStrong volunteers.

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The activity began with a small ceremony. On the ceremony, Air Liquid Managing Director Pierre HAMELIN spoke to the students expressing Air Liquid’s care for the students. Air Liquid also presented reading lamps to the students who are short-sighted. In return, the student representatives presented Red Scarves to all the volunteers.

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After the ceremony, volunteers taught eye care lessons to all the classes by using KidStrong curriculum. The curriculum is designed according to students’ ages and uses different participative methods for teaching, such as dramas, games, and Q & A. The eye care classes were loved by the students. Some students were even very unwilling to say goodbye to the volunteers.

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Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.