Organic Garden丨Applied Materials’ Organic Farm Visit


On May 6, 2017, at the invitation of Shanghai Roots & Shoots, 27 Applied Materials employees took a whole day visit to BioFarm Shanghai located in Chuansha, to learn more about the environment protection philosophy behind organic planting.

First, from the introduction by the staff at BioFarm, the employees learned that organic farming is a way to construct sustainable development of agriculture, with respects for the environment and the earth’s natural recycling cycles. Employees took notes of important ecological concepts, including ecological pest management, organic mixed fertilizer, biological water purification, etc. They also conducted onsite observations of the equipment used and the functions of plants. Through this process, they have broadened their horizon with rich knowledge in environmental protection.

During the lunch break, with the help of staff from R&S, the employees played two environmental themed games named “The Life of Milk” and “Vermicomposting”. During the game “The Life of Milk”, everybody was asked draw a picture to illustrate the production, processing and consumption of milk. This game helped people understand that every glass of milk does not come easily. And through the “Vermicomposting” game, people understood the significance of earthworms in the ecological agriculture. Now they know that these little animals could change the waste newspapers and vegetable tops into excellent organic fertilizer. At the end of the game, everyone built a simple shelter for some earthworms with their empty plastic water bottles and other materials prepared by R&S.

In the afternoon, employees experienced the hardship and joy of harvest. They worked hard in the fields planted with strawberries, cucumbers and potatoes, and then use their hard work to exchange for the reward from nature. We believe that this reward has become a seed that “roots and shoots” in their hearts, and the idea of organic farming and harmony with nature shall blossom. If every one of us starts to take actions, our earth will surely become a better place.

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Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.