Be A Volunteer With Shankongfu In Your Spare Time


The Shankungfu volunteer community, launched by Zhengongfu Restaurant Management Limited Company, aims to provide a platform for volunteer recruitment and charity promotion where NGOs can communicate and interact with the public. This community encourages the public in inviting their family and friends to do volunteer work together so as to promote the development of China’s volunteer service.


The Shankungfu volunteer community consists of online and offline platforms. On the offline platform, over 500 Kungfu restaurants will advertise the volunteer recruitment information on restaurant walls. On the online platform, we are going to establish a Shankungfu independent website, develop our own App and open channels on Microblog and Wechat to showcase all kinds of high quality volunteer projects. Through setting up these channels, there will be a two-way selection process between non-profit organizations and volunteers. The well-recognized charity organizations, including Free Lunch for Children, On The Way To School, Shanghai R&S, and Guangzhou Huiling, became the non-profit partners of the Shankungfu volunteer community. 


As one of the first non-profit partners, Shanghai R&S launched the Community Garden Project with the help of this volunteer community. Integrating the core environment protection idea of R&S, Shanghai R&S recruited volunteers to give environmental lessons in primary schools for migrant children and to beautify the campus environment by building new flower-beds or planting green trees.

The project started from February 1 to March 31 in the primary schools of migrant children in Shanghai, Suzhou and Wuhan. The 173 volunteers recruited included mostly university students or young office workers.

Shankungfu, focusing on connecting the large number of people who want to volunteer and the difficulty non-profit organizations have to recruit volunteers, aims to help properly match volunteers with non-profit organizations. Shankungfu calculates the total number of service hours and evaluates the viability of the charity project based on the hours of service. Shanghai R&S recruited 173 volunteers in the three cities mentioned above. The total service time of the project was 898 hours.

On December 20, 2013, in the launching ceremony of Shankungfu, Wang Zhenyue, the president of China’s Public Welfare Academy remarked, “The success of efforts to promote charity work should lie not only in the number of donations but also in the innovation of project mechanisms and communication channels as well, the latter being more important.” Megan Li, the COO of Shanghai R&S said,” Non-profit organizations need to specialize in providing high-quality charity work while publicity can be handed over to professional companies to take care.”  We hope through the cooperation by all parties involved, more professional volunteers can be recruited and the awareness on environment protection and low carbon lifestyle can be raised.


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Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.