DRAGON RECYCLING | Bringing a Green Lifestyle to the Community


On 11 July 2021, 11 volunteers from Shanghai Roots & Shoots came to the Chang’er Committee to carry out recycling activity together with the residents. The Community Recycling Day, which is based on the promotion of waste classification and recycling, helps adapt to a green lifestyle and contribute to sustainable development of the earth.

Considerable efforts have been made by the volunteers of Shanghai Roots & Shoots in order to encourage residents to participate in our Recycling Day. With the experience of the previous World Earth Day recycling event on 24 April, the volunteers this time brought along a number of household items based on the residents’ wish lists as rewards for their participation in recycling. Some old newspapers, clothes and plastic bottles could be exchanged for dishwashing liquid, isn’t this worthwhile?

On the April recycling event, residents wrote down their wishes.

With the enthusiastic and orderly participation of the residents, the volunteers collected a huge amount of useless things that afternoon, such as all kinds of used electronic products and clothes, plastic packaging and metal products, which were handed over to relevant environmental protection or recycling agencies for resource regeneration.

We welcome all people who have devoted themselves to environmental protection to be part of our Dragon Recycling campaign to be eco-warriors. Every small action can contribute to sustainable development.

the volunteers and their recycling trophy of April 24

the volunteers and their recycling trophy of July 11

Translation: Yunlin LEI

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Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.