Caring for the CML Patients


Caring for the CML Patients – Capturing Shanghai R&S CML Home of Hope Pro Bono Testing Activity

Shanghai R&S Care-for-CML Program wished to help and care for CML patients, so on July 13 and 14, it organized pro-bono laboratory tests of fusion genes for around 30 patients. In the hope of reducing the families’ economic burden, these patients have for a long time been taking Imatinib, a medicine produced in India. Since the medicine is bought in the black market, it of course comes with risks. These tests aimed to evaluate the patients’ physical conditions, as well as the effects the medication has on their bodies.

Caring For CML Patient

When the patients were phlebotomized, their attitudes were quite positive, and they carefully followed the directions of Ms. Yu Xia. They lined up orderly and patiently. Dr. Wang Aihua, from Shanghai Ruijin Hospital, sincerely cared for the patients, and asked them about their conditions in detail. They provided a clinical program for the two patients, on whom the medication had no substantial positive effects, so that they could receive proper treatment. Shanghai R&S Care-for-CML program participants helped to deliver blood samples to the best domestic lab for examination. The results will be released as soon as possible, and we hope they will be safe and healthy. We extend gratitude to the The Freshary Corporation, who provided financial support.

Shanghai No.2 Industrial University

Zhang Yijing

(Translated by WFLMS Crunchy Zoo Language Club)

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