Eco Yard Sale



Event Eco Yard Sale
Group FDFZ Roots & Shoots Group Organizer number 11
Person in charge Yuanyuan Wang Advisor  /
Time 2014.12.26 Location School campus
Event detail
“Eco Yard Sale” is a Christmas charity project for the MTP project, which is conducted by the FDFZ R&S group and Time Bank group.When preparing for the charity sale, our group members designed the poster and prepared the merchandise, including both goods purchased online (wood bookmarks, key rings, plants, candy canes, etc.)and second-hand goods (postcards and greeting cards collected by group members.)Time Bank group prepared handmade watches for sale. A lot of students and teachers came to our sale on Dec.26. They really liked the selected fine goods, and also wanted to contribute to the protection of the environment. The selling of postcards was a special feature of the entire sale. All the postcards were second-hand, collected and selected by our group members, and we offered to write greetings with art fonts on the postcards. In this way, we turned the old postcards into new art works and shared the joy of the holidays with more people.The income of the project is 845.4 yuan, net profit 690.4 yuan. Out of the total donation 190.4 yuan will be used for expenses in future projects. The rest (500 yuan) will be donated to the Shanghai R&S Million Tree Project.

Eco Yard Sale 20141226-1

FDFZ Eco Yard Sale 20141226-2

FDFZ Eco Yard Sale 20141226-3

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Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.