End-of-life Care for a Patient with Leukemia


End-of-life Care for a Patient with Leukemia

On the morning of June 24, 2011, Yuxia, from Shanghai R&S, Yan Zhengwei, a psychology specialist, and Wang Xiaojun, a volunteer from Shanghai No.2 Industry University, cared for a patient with leukemia at her end of life. They also provided mental guidance for her family members.

2011.6.24 Picture_1 2011.6.24 Picture_2

That morning, everyone met in the hospital hallway. Mr. Yan inquired Ms. Yu of the patient’s conditions and his family status so that he could gather necessary materials for mental guidance. The group gathered at the patient’s bed; she could not speak due to the illness but her eyes confessed all of her emotions. When the work officially began, Mr. Yan inquired about the patients’ latest conditions from her family members in the hallway – this doubtlessly displayed his professional discretion in mental guidance. Afterwards, they closed the curtains before the bedstead and asked the family members to excuse them for a moment, so that they could create a quiet environment for the patient. Mr. Yan began to speak of the patient’s regrets and her pride in life, and then did a brief overview of her life. He then tried to help the patient bravely face death from a religious point of view. Later, Mr. Yan patiently told the family members how to calm her when she was to pass away.

When we left the hospital, her family members were very grateful, and so was the patient. We believe that she will pass away in a serene and peaceful way through the care from her family and R&S.

(Translated by WFLMS Crunchy Zoo Language Club)

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