Ending 2014, Expecting 2015
In the past semester, what did you give and what could you get?
The volunteers of the fall of 2014 got together on Jan 24, 2015. One of volunteers prepared her handmade cake and biscuit. Each of us have reviewed what and how we work with YES and OG in the autumn semester on the party.
What were the difficulties for volunteers in YES or OG program? If you want to teach outdoor, how can you maintain discipline? Each volunteer has met different students and faced various troubles in class. They shared their own experiences and confusion. Meanwhile, what the volunteers were pursuing was the suitable ways to improve teaching skills, so that they can do better to fulfil the education goals and mission in coming years.
Each certificate is the crystallization of volunteers’ experience, which condensed their painstaking efforts, the relationship with students and about the raise of environmental awareness. When they got the certificate inscribed with their names, they smiled happily.
Let’s work together to bring more fun for the children’s environmental education in 2015.