KidStrong丨No “Ouch”, No Cavities


The KidStrong annual dental check-up data indicated the increase in the number of students who had tooth decay in the past few years. We observed the most significant increase in year 2015. Thanks to KidStrong’s decade-long effort to promote health education in migrant schools, migrant students are better equipped with knowledge to care for their own well-being. It takes time though for them to apply the knowledge in their everyday lives and to form good hygiene habits. The goal of KidStrong is for migrant students to embrace healthy lifestyles that will help them grow into wholesome human beings.

The oral hygiene specialists suggest that molar sealings can effectively reduce the cavity risk. Molar teeth are the permanent teeth that are responsible for chewing. They can easily be decayed if one does not brush them properly. The sealings can prevent food residues get stuck in the molar teeth, thus reducing cavity risks.

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In collaboration with Ren Ai Hospital, KidStrong initiated a project to provide molar sealing treatment to migrant students in five migrant schools. In the fall semester of 2015, cavity filling and molar sealing treatments were given to the fourth graders of the two migrant schools. Students of other three schools will receive the treatment in the upcoming spring semester. Given the financial and manpower constraints, KidStrong is only able to engage the fourth graders in the procedures while the third and fifth graders will be given dental check-up reports and coupons for them to use at Ren’Ai Hospital for free dental treatments.

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Message from Dr Goodall

Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.