Paper Art


April 9, 2015, Shanghai – This year is the 10th anniversary of Chinese-French Cultural Spring Festival. On the afternoon of April 9th, Sanofi, in partnership with KidStrong, invited Chinese and French artists to come to Jinde Primary School to lead a paper art tour.

The teachers leading the art activity were Stephane (French) and  Hou Wei (Chinese), the participating students were Jinde Primary school students.

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 The art tour includes two parts. In the first part,  the  teachers use slides and art history facts to get their classmates attention. The teachers asked the students to pick a random number to select a pre-prepared art masterpiece, then to guess what time   in art history the piece represented. The classmates were able to appreciate art from different periods, experience different types, and learn about life’s beautiful forms of expression. In the second part, the students learnt to use   folded paper strips in special ways to depict animal silhouettes on top of gauze paper.  The paper art works look like embroidery.

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