Let’s Party–R&S Volunteer Reunion


2014 is a special year. This is the year when Dr. Jane Goodall turns 80; this is the year when Shanghai Roots & Shoots celebrates its 15th anniversary; this is also the year when YES Program welcomes its 10th birthday. On Nov 2nd, Shanghai Roots & Shoots held the 15th anniversary celebration — Let’s Party, the alumnus-volunteer party, at the Camel Bar.

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 ‘Recalling the extraordinary bygone, following the charming present” is the theme of this party. During the party volunteers retrospected the past fifteen years. In these fifteen years, Shanghai Roots & Shoots, down to earth, earnest and sincere, has worked wonders one after another. From the Yellow Pages Recycling Project, Chimpanzee Cages Decoration Program, to the Million Tree Project, Eco Office, till the Organic Garden, Yes Program, Wu Tong Shu and KidStrong nowadays, Shanghai Roots & Shoots has emerged and developed in the effort of all the volunteers and staff members.

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Roots & Shoots can never root in Shanghai, sprout and blossom without the endeavor of staff members and contribution from volunteers. We are vouchsafed to gather the early volunteers here at the party. Volunteers, some having been married and bringing their children, some assiduously founding their own business, are all devoted to their life and work with the spirit of Roots & Shoots. Chair of Shanghai Roots & Shoots Tori and Executive Director Zeezee extended their gratitude to the present volunteers and delivered an address.

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During the Interview, Office Manager Megan couldn’t help choking. As an intimate of volunteers, as a veteran employee for 10 years at Shanghai Roots & Shoots, she was quite moved by the familiar looks. Ling Li, former leader of Root & Shoots group in Shanghai Jiaotong University, Yang Zhang, former member of the Think-Tank of Shanghai Roots & Shoots, and Zeezee, once member of Root & Shoots group in Shanghai No.3 Girls’ High School and now Executive Director of Shanghai Root & Shoots, shared their interesting stories, interpreted their original intention to become a member of the group and expressed their expectation for Shanghai Root & Shoots.

It’s for Roots & Shoots that we’ve been dedicating for fifteen years; it’s also for Roots & Shoots that we have got together to contribute to the society. The party is a new starting point. There are more fifteen years waiting for Roots & Shoot-ers to create and to discover. We believe that more friends will gather together, congratulate Shanghai Roots & Shoots upon our achievement and wing our dreams after the next fifteen years.

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Message from Dr Goodall

Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.