Save it in Gallons; Save it for this Generation


Save it in Gallons; Save it for this Generation

From August 12 to 14, Shanghai R&S hosted a charity sale and spread environmental protection messages at the Heat Wave Concert on Jinshan City Beach.


One of the main games played on the 13th was designed and organized by the volunteer Wang Sijia. The game was called “Save It In Gallons”. In the game, participants were supposed to design a “water conservation” logo in order to spread the idea of saving water. Participating citizens were then made to promise not to waste even one drop of water. Wang said, “The purpose of the logo designing game was to make tourists realize the preciousness of water and make them think more about the interests of our planet and of themselves. That’s our goal.” 

 The game attracted a lot of tourists, including not only kids who love painting but also adults who still have an inner-child. There were quite a few adults who picked those crayons with a heartfelt sigh, as if they were being brought back to their childhood. “Although some of the logos were indeed crude, the participation reflected their concerns towards the water recourse issue. That truly satisfies us. ” Some of the participants told the journalist, “I originally thought that spreading the idea of environmental protection would be extremely vague, but it seems like these issues really matter to each one of us. ”

The other activity of the day was the charity sale for the MTP, which stands for the Million Tree Project. MTP is a project in which volunteers plant trees in Inner Mongolia for the public good. The project was planned by Shanghai R&S and is advocating the idea of fighting against the desertification of Inner Mongolia by planting trees. Although there were hardly any participants in the sale, it served its purpose in making people more aware of the environment.


By Fan Yalun

(Translated by WFLMS Crunchy Zoo Language Club)

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