Organic Experimental Farmland


Event:Organic Experimental Farmland
Group Name:The Sino-British College R&S Group in University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Event Date:2015-11-18 to 2016
Report Submitter: Han Tianchi
Participant Number: 25
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In response to the Shanghai roots and shoots, to make the environmental protection in the end. Our SBC roots and shoots decided to bring green into the campus.

In order to carry out this activity, We submitted to the school at the beginning of September the project application plan . We have got the approval and support of the school and the concession of the open space in the back of the school cafeteria.


After that we started to prepare for the purchase of plant seeds and related equipment. We also learn some plant knowledge from the web and ask the owner of flower shops for advice, to make the plant grow more healthy. In addition to these we also ask the students who participated in the organic farming training to make organic manure by used the knowledge they have learned. We set a detailed watering schedules and we have divided our members into 3 groups to make the display boards about plants knowledge which is convenient for students visiting.

At 9 o’clock in the evening of November 24th our 25 members all gathered in the teaching building to assembling the plant box and plant the 22 hyacinth and some seed of vegetables. And everyone make a label with his or her name on it to help us distinguish which one is he or she plant. Though the weather is cold and it is rainy outside, we all excited. Than we put the box on the back of the school cafeteria, toke photos and say good night to our little baby.



After we planting plants, the students in our school will visiting the garden during their spare time, this is not only can relax themselves but also can learn some knowledge from the display boards which has won a lot of appreciation from the teachers and students. Our team had strictly in accordance with the watering

Schedule and we put the shoots’diary and photos on the Wechat regularly so that we can always understand the growth of shoots.

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