A lecture on vegetarianism


Event: A Lecture on Vegetarianism

Group Name:  Roots&Shoots ,Yangpu Senior High School

Event Date:  2014.11.20

Report Submitter: Chen Zi Yuei

Participant Number: 8

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We presented a lecture on vegetarianism to members of the Yangpu Senior High School Environmental Protection Association. I was the chief speaker and Rong Shenyan was my assistant in explaining this unique lifestyle. Our presentation focused on the comprehension of vegetarianism,  from the environmental aspects and general knowledge to the assortment and diet of vegetarians. We wanted to give our audience the complete perspective about this idea. Afterwards, I believed that everybody had a deeper understanding of the concept through our in-depth analysis of the reason people become vegetarians and the pros and cons that result from this decision. During the lecture, the audience participated in the discussion and became intrigued by the concept. In fact, the knowledge of vegetarianism inspired us all, for we may all become herbivores in the future.


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