MTP|2022 Forest Planting Completed in Inner Mongolia


The Million Tree Project (MTP) 2022 forest is located at Hangjin Qi, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia. The total area of trees planted this year is 64 hectares. 19 companies, a school and an individual supported MTP and donated forest. 

2022 Inner Mongolia Forest Plaque

Taking local climate and hydrologic conditions into consideration, we chose Hedysarum scoparium and Elaeagnus angustifolia as the main tree species to plant.There were also Hedysarum mongolicum and Salix psammophila planted in the site. The Elaeagnus angustifolia is of strong ability of generation, which is great in conserving water, hindering wind and sand, preventing drought, and improving soil quality. The tree type is often used in planting windbreak forest. Because the weather was very dry in the first half of the year, the percentage of the seedlings that sprouted was only one third. The seedlings that haven’t sprouted were still alive, as their branches were pliable, and the roots were strong. It’s estimated that more seedlings would sprout after rainfalls.

Left: Hedysarum scoparium; Right: Elaeagnus angustifolia

Left: Seedlings that haven’t sprouted; Right: Seedlings that sprouted

The ariel photos couldn’t show much of the tree lines at this moment. After the shrubs grow, the landscape will change. Further replanting work will be needed to increase the survival rate.

Forest Site Overview, 2022.6.22

In the spring, MTP team continued visiting forest sites. Please click here to learn more about the latest of the forest sites planted during 2012 to 2020 in Inner Mongolia. 

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