Cummins Chongming Eco-tour 2014


On Nov 22nd 2014, Shanghai Roots & Shoots led the Cummins Team and started an entire day of Eco-tour in Chongming. We invited a professional guide this time whose name is Lv Zhang. He has been living with tigers in the Natural Conservation Area of South Africa for 3 years and created his own business, the first vegetarian food organic village Eco Dream Land, when he was back in China. With the help of Lv Zhang, there are 3 events during the trip: Mud Flat Jogging, Vegetables Picking Competition and the Herb Tea Time.

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The first event started right away on arriving of Xianghua Town in Chongming and then Lv Zhang guided the team direct to the levee. Both sides of the road were fully covered with golden reed marshes. Many children in Cummins were excited about this view and either asked for their parents to take photos or carefully observed these rare plants. As a result of the weather condition, the fog became denser as we moved closer to the levee. However, the mist has also made those golden reed marshes into a mysterious fairyland. The children and parents were so fascinated about it that they even forgot to go for lunch.

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Finished with an organic vegetarian meal, the highlight of in the afternoon, the Vegetables Picking Competition began. The rule of the competition is to compare which team can pick vegetables that weigh closest to the standard in time limit. Members of Cummins were divide into 4 groups and finally the winner team was awarded Shanghai Roots & Shoots 15th Anniversary Cloth Bag and 2015 Calendar. It was definitely a precious opportunity for urban citizens to experience farm land and agriculture produce.

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The day came to a leisure end after the competition. Lv Zhang led the Cummins Team to the Eco Dream Land, provided Herb Tea and shared his stories in Africa. During the Chongming Eco-tour this time, the Cummins team has experienced various organic fruits, vegetables and a totally peaceful as well as ecological lifestyle away from the city.

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Special thanks to the great support from Cummins China Ltd to our Organic Garden Program!


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Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.