The Sino-British College,USST


The Sino-British College,USST

SBC volunteers department

SBC volunteers department set up in October. There are 20 students in this department with clear division of labors. In current one year, SBC volunteers have participated in several events. Now, volunteers department organizes staffs to following social events regularly: commentators in Shanghai Museum of Public Security and teaching children in disable families. Recently, started cooperating with Good to China team successfully and the supports and services what SBC volunteers offered to them were highly praised by project organizers. The success of setting up R&S in SBC is certainly very exciting for all of members in department. We are looking forward to joining in the activities, and people would experience the passions of us as an elite team on social services.


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Message from Dr Goodall

Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.