U023Shanghai Technical Institute of Electronics & Information-Green Civilization Union


Since establishment in 2006, the Green Civilization Organization of Shanghai Technical Institute of Electronics & Information has held the purpose of promoting participation, improving communication among students, constructing the garden of hope, diversifying the mental life of volunteers, cultivating the green garden of communal spirits and promoting the human-based social sustainable development”.

We also believe in “Starting from ourselves, starting from basics, and influencing others with our own actions”. We recruit individuals and groups caring about school development to help with relevant programs.

After our volunteers visited the students and communities to help the disadvantaged, we have introduced volunteer work about environmental protection and environmental education in the residence, established local organizations and promoted the volunteer spirit.

The organization consists of the Project Department, Outreach Department, Organization Department, Volunteer Department, Secretary Department and Promotion Department. We actively promoted the environmental ideas. We went to elementary schools to promote environmental knowledge and also went to streets to promote environmental campaigns to the passers-by through many ways. As a special youngster organization, we help to contribute to the environmental cause in our own way.

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Message from Dr Goodall

Every individual matters; every individual has a role to play; every individual can make a difference.