YES Program One to One–School Course Training


Event:YES Program One to One–School Course Training
Group Name:The Sino-British College R&S Group in University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Event Date:2015-12-25
Report Submitter:  Zheng Shunpu
Participant Number: 25
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From October. 2015 until December. 2015, the Shanghai SBC roots & shoots group from the international college participated the Yes program launched by Shanghai roots & shoots. The event included weekly pair school (Zheng Guang primary school)’s environmental protection training courses.

During the course, 25 team members were enthusiastic to inform the students of  green environmental protection knowledge and guide them to become a citizen with  independent thoughts, caring for others and responsibility. This was the purpose of this activity and it was also the goal of our team. Most of the members signed up for this program for many times, but in order to make sure that the students would not get bored with a same teacher while still giving each member a opportunity to get involved in the course, we changed teacher every lesson.


Every week, our team sent two to five team members to get involved in the YES course, one of them was responsible for lectures and the rest of them worked as supplementary teachers who were in charge of discipline, distributing small prizes, taking pictures, etc. The teachers taught with the the use of slides. We divided the time in clss for several parts: roughly 5 minutes to review last lesson’s content, 15 minutes’ teaching, 15 minutes to play the game. We wanted to let students feel relaxed while gaining knowledge with enthusiasm in each lesson. With the use of this teaching method, most of the students liked our course and we got a good feedback from the schools who paired with us in the program.

In this event, as we brought our environmental protection knowledge to the primary students, every member of our team also gained a lot. This activity has taught us how to communicate with the students at a young age, how to express our knowledge with simple words or body movements, and also how to deal with some unexpected situations. At the same time, the course let us to think about ourselves. As we grow up, students’ enthusiasm in class gradually perish: In contrast to classes in primary school that have passion, classes in high school are lifeless. On one hand, this phenomenon is due to the fear of answering questions and the shyness of ourselves. On the other hand, this is probably because we regard study as a heavy burden. As we lose interest in one thing, our efficiency would be reduced. Perhaps we should learn from students to look back on the innocence that we have lost and also to find the optimism that we used to have.


We really appreciate that we have this experience. We have developed ourselves and we will continue shouldering our responsibility. As we guide the students with our knowledge and responsibility, we are also encouraging more people to become volunteers. And we hope the volunteering events could exist in every place.

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